The current version of the General Terms & Conditions is applicable.
The General Terms & Conditions can be seen on the U-Nite webpage & at the check-in.
By purchasing a festival ticket, the buyer declares full acceptance of the General Terms & Conditions.
By submitting a U-Nite volunteer application, stand, workshop leader or artist the applicant declares full acceptance of the General Terms & Conditions.
U-Nite grounds
The U-Nite grounds cover the entire area rented by the organiser.
The stay on U-Nite grounds is permitted for visitors only during the opening hours of the festival published by the organiser.
U-Nite wristbands must be worn (on the wrist) by visitors & volunteers on the U-Nite grounds at all times. Persons without a valid wristband will be denied access to the entire U-Nite grounds.
Tickets / Wristbands
Tickets purchased through the advance ticket sale cannot be returned at the festival.
Ticket prices are defined in the website of U-Nite.
Admission prices at the door are different from the admission fees on the Internet page.
Dogs are permitted at the festival.
Dogs have to be supervised on a leash during entire festival time. This is irrespective of size and age of the dog.
If repeatedly found without leash, the property rights will be exercised.
Every dog has to wear the identification tag provided by the organiser at the collar.
Every dog owner is obliged to dispose the dog excrement immediately.
The security volunteers are in the position to demand putting an appropriate muzzle on the dog.
It is forbidden to sell or use drugs on the entire grounds of the event.
Property rights will be exercised by any infringement. The organiser retains the right to report any such infringement to the police.
Flammable materials
Barbecuing, cooking & open fires are only permitted in the designated areas.
When using the fire places, an adult has to be present at all times.
The approval of these fire places is carried out by the fire brigade.
A general smoking ban applies within all buildings.
Belgian non-smoking laws for the protection of non-smokers apply.
Camping Site
Camping is only permitted in the areas designated by volunteers.
Escape routes must be kept free at all times. It is not permitted to use ropes or any such obstacle within these areas.
It is not possible to reserve camping spaces.
It is only permitted to use vehicles suitable for camping in the designated camping areas.
Cars are not allowed on the lawns & greens surrounded by fences.
Camping vehicles, which are parked in the areas designated for camping, must remain parked until the end of the festival.
The use of private generators is not permitted anywhere on the festival grounds.
It is forbidden to tap electricity from the electric supply network.
Security personnel have been engaged by the organiser to ensure a disturbance-free & orderly event.
The security team exercises property rights.
Instructions given by the security team have to be followed.
The use of parking and camping areas is at your own risk.
The organiser is in no way liable for damage to health caused by the noise & volume at concerts or any other performances.
The organiser is also not liable for damage to property or physical damage unless deliberate intention or gross negligence can be proven.
Illegal objects
Dangerous objects, such as pyrotechnical items, burning torches, weapons of any kind, as well as items which can be used as projectiles are not allowed. Any item which violates this rule will be confiscated by the on-site security personnel & cannot be returned, even after the event has finished.
Minors may only visit the U-Nite festival when accompanied by an adult chaperone.
Adherence to this has to be ensured by the legal guardians. Parents are liable for their children.
Furthermore, the Children & Young Persons Act applies.
Parking spaces provided by the organiser are free of charge.
Volunteers will advise on parking spaces during the main traffic hours.
Parking regulations must be observed. Any vehicle blocking escape routes or turning areas will be removed at the owner’s expense.
The organiser cannot be held liable for theft or damage to vehicles parked in the designated areas.
On the entire event grounds, driving has to be at walking pace.
For road regulations and right of way, rules the official road traffic regulations (StVO) apply.
Drinks in glass bottles, which were bought outside the event venue, are forbidden & may not be brought onto the event site (this includes the camping area).
It is not allowed to bring drinks which were not purchased at the event into the different event locations. It is allowed to bring drinks bought anywhere on-site into all of the event locations.
By event location, we mean any location, stage, workshop, … except for the camping.
All drinks bottles distributed at the festival, are U-Nites property & the deposits belong to U-Nite.
Bottles and cans with refundable deposits which are left on the festival grounds, become the property of U-Nite. It is forbidden to collect up bottles and cans with refundable deposits.
Rubbish is to be disposed of in the bins provided.
The organiser reserves the right to change the program.
External flyers may only be distributed with permission from the event admin team.
Flyposting & defacing is forbidden. Any such violation will incur a cleaning fee of 100 Euro. The aggrieved party will file an official complaint for damage to property.
The private as well as commercial sale of goods without permission of the organiser is not permitted.
Money collections on-site are not permitted; exemptions can only be granted before the festival.
The organiser retains the right to take images as well as audio & video recordings of visitors.
The organiser is entitled to use these images and recordings without payment or any form of compensation.
The organiser may use these & allow the use thereof by 3rd parties in all current & future media forms, in particular, but not exclusively, for journalistic purposes, U-NITE promotion, fundraising, & all other business activities of the organiser & associated enterprises.
Contact Us
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