Since I was seven year old I performed on the local circusschool of Ghent. Later on people got to know me as an artist. But an artist in performing arts. The stage is my playground.
So later on I studied physical acting and this became my fulltime profession.

I’ve been gifted with the art of telling stories. Through acting, music, magic and even clowning.
A story can connect people in different ways. To make a connection with your audience is what makes art beautiful. The way how you make a connection is to humble yourself as an artist.
like Pulcinella a character of the Commedia Dell’Arté says:
« Some say I am an emperor. Some say I am a master. But for you my beloved public, your humble servant ever after ».

As an performing artist some people start to see you as a master or emperor. I hate and despice this. Because it’s never about me. The only thing I long to do is to serve.

Theater : Over pesten website   &  Over pesten facebook  &  Over pesten youtube

C&T Productions: website  &  youtube

Actor: website






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